Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Battle Camp Fusion Guide

Although some players will haphazardly feed whatever they find to their pets, that can end up with a broke player pretty fast.

Early on it's important to fuse what you can get, but as you level you can start to be more discerning about what you fuse.

Fusion Math:

The amount of experience a monster gives is: Feed*Level. So if a monster has a feed value of 200 and it's level is 5 it will give 1000 experience.

The amount it costs to feed a monster is: Monster Level * 5 of the monster being fed. So if a monster is level 10, it will cost 50 stone to feed that monster, whether the monster being fed is level 1 or level 5.

Because of what I note above, I generally sell any monster I find that is a low level rather than waste time feeding it to another one. Since it often costs me upward of 200 + stone to Fuse, I'm not interested in fusing a level 2 to the monster.

But for those with a little more time there is an alternative. Math.

I have a monster that's level 10. That means that it will cost 50 stone per monster to feed it. I have 10 level 1 monsters each with a feed value of 200.

If I feed 5 to him, it will cost 250 stone for 1000 experience. Or, 4xp per stone.
If I feed 4 monsters to one of the level 1s, and another four monsters to the other level one. It will cost me = 40 stone total and bring each monster to level 5 (Possibly 6 or 7). Now, I will feed those two level 5s to the level 10 monster. The cost? 100 stones + 40 stones for previous levels. The amount of experience? 2000. So my cost per xp becomes 14.2xp per stone.

This is obviously a vast improvement. Keep this in mind while fusing. All the numbers are there.


It's important to take note that Special Monsters have the highest feed value in the game at 800 per level. This makes them greater than most UR monsters. ALSO, it's important to note that these same monsters come equipped with an always active passive to multiply their feed values by UP TO 5x!

Because of this, when leveling monsters that go especially high, it's recommended to fuse monsters into a Special then feed THAT to your high level. It saves a fortune in Stone.

Hopefully this Battle Camp Fusion Guide helps. 

Battle Camp Fusion Guide


  1. Does this help? He'll yeah and I don't have to use a lot of time figuring charts out. Thank you

  2. Does this help? He'll yeah and I don't have to use a lot of time figuring charts out. Thank you
