Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Battle Camp Beginner's Guide

After finishing the immediate Tutorial players are told to Battle Monsters but for some people they may not understand what exactly to do. To simplify it, complete quests, collect monsters, make monsters stronger. But it's a little bit more than that.

Getting Started:

The first thing you need to do as a new player is Battle Monsters in camp. Upon completing a battle you will either earn Stones or Monsters. Stones are the main currency and shouldn't be used frivolously. Monsters can either be swapped onto your team, or fed to other monsters via fusion. This is how a lot of your early time will be spent.

-- Quick Tip: Only turn quests in when you are at 0 energy if they will result in leveling. Any energy left on the table is lost.

After completing camp which if you follow the quick tip for energy will happen on your first sitting, you will hit level 5 and Teepee Hollow (the first real zone) opens up to you. Don't go!

Rare Farming:

Farming Rares early on should be done in Camp. The reason is that camp Rares only take 2 Pieces to complete while rares in other zones take more. This means that farming camp is the fastest way to attain a team of Rares. They are slightly weaker than other zone rares, but they make farming much faster and easier. A team of full rares decreases the chance that you'll lose battles, resulting in more energy and experience in the long term.

Every zone has 5 Rare monsters that appear at different frequencies so they take time to farm, also, the higher level zones have more powerful Rares (although the variance isn't huge).

Gem Matching:

Monsters attacks are accomplished by matching gems of their elements. So 3 Fire Gems will cause all your fire monsters to attack. The attack receives a bonus based on how many gem matches were made. So, in order to make the most of each attack try to match as many gems as you can each round. You can drag around the gem to make this easier.


As you level your team you'll start to collect lots of monsters. When using fusion to level your monsters keep in mind that monsters of the same element offer bonus experience. Also, every monster has a 'Feed' value that can be seen in the catalog. The amount of experience a monster will gain from being fed another monster is the 'Feed Value * Level' of the monster being fed. The amount it costs to feed a monster increases with the receiving monsters level. For example a level one monster requires 5 stone per monster being fed to it. A level 2 monster requires 10 stone per monster. Because of this it's better early on to save stone by leveling monsters evenly rather than feeding all the monsters to one. The formula for price is 'Level*5'.

So, because of this there is an optimal way to keep your price down on Feeders. Early on the best option is to sell any monster that is not at least a minimum level (you can decide what's acceptable) and feed the high level ones to your monster, with preferential treatment to same element.


Evolution is expensive and difficult, but makes a monster much more powerful. Personally, I only evolve rare monsters in Battle Camp for one reason, To unlock the catalog spot for it. As a player it's up to you to evolve, but it requires 2 of the same monster and 4 Specials of the same element to evolve a monster. This isn't particularly harsh, but early on those Specials are more useful in leveling than evolution.

Keep in mind in evolution monsters carry over 5% of their stats to the final forms base stats. If the monster is max level in evolution it carries over 10%. This can result in a HUGE difference. So, I normally say Evolution should be left for monsters SR or higher unless you are looking to unlock the catalog.


Always, Always, Always, participate. Not only because you can normally earn Ultimate Grabs, Stones/Specials/SR but because it lets other players know you are active and increases your chances of being recruited to an active troop. Active Troops raid, which helps increase your power VERY quickly.


Players in Troops can Raid whenever the admins start one. Raids consist of 5 Waves of powerful monsters and once defeated within the time frames yields a piece of an SR monster. After 6 Pieces you earn that SR. This is the BEST way to quickly become more powerful,.


Join up in troops to Raid, Complete in Events, and just overall have a good time. Troops are a huge part of Battle Camp. To find Troops you can search for one in general, but I recommend using an event rankings to hunt for troops that may be looking for people.


Hopefully this helps as a general beginner's guide. I'll be adding more detailed guides about each key aspect.