Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Battle Camp PvP Guide

In Battle Camp players have the ability to engage in matches against other players that happen in real time. This can sometimes be very intimidating for new players and many players struggle to perform well.

The real time system of PvP is very fast paced and intense and performing well requires many factors.

Rule 1 of Battle Camp PvP: Match 5

5 Gem Matches every time you can. When against an opponent they will always have a full team of monsters so the best way to push heavy damage is to use full gem matches. This way every attack you make does 5x the damage. IF you're able to make combos in addition that is important.

Rule 2 of Battle Camp PvP: Speed and Combos

During the normal game many players will take the fact that there is time still left while moving a gem for granted. Because of this when both players are out of the gate they might spend time moving around a gem but if you release yours first your attack comes first. When you attack first it's a players reaction to look at the damage they took, this then takes time away from their next combo. Try to be moving quickly very often and if you don't see a big combo, go for a fast one.

Rule 3 of Battle Camp PvP: Heal early, not late

Healing is a double edged sword. When you take time to heal you're giving the opponent a free attack and a chance to heal as well. Also, healing can also get you killed because when at low health a heal probably won't be enough to save you.

BUT, healing early in the battle a few times can often be enough to get things done. Most players will go, attack, attack, attack, and not heal until they need to. When they need to though is when it's most dangerous to heal because if they barely live through your attack, they will need to heal again, and again.

If you develop a habit of throwing in heals along with your attacks during the course of the battle, you will save yourself from crits/combos that would otherwise finish you off.

Just think of MMOs, you don't wait until you're at 10% health to cast heal.

Rule 4 of Battle Camp PvP: C-c-c-c-c-c-ombo

Use combos. If you are up against another player who is using Match 5s every time, who is attacking quickly, and healing constantly, the difference between victory and defeat is the 20%-100% bonus you can earn with combos. One player hitting them will be doing more damage and more healing.

Hopefully this tips help you along in your Battle Camp PvP. Overall, the biggest key is turning combinations into habit. The more this becomes a habit the faster and better you get. 

Battle Camp PvP Guide